If you’re starting a business, creating your online Portfolio, or creating a website for any other purposes, you’ve probably heard words such as SEO, Organic Traffic, Search Engine Optimization, H1, H2, H3, headers, Page Titles, Meta-Tags, Page Descriptions, Organic Search, Key-words, google robots, etc.
All of the words sound familiar, but the question is: how to optimize your author website for search engines?All of the words sound familiar, but the question is: how to optimize your author website for search engines?
Well… Hold back and let me teach you some performance SEO. You’ve probably just pulled the plug on that and focused on your Website Design and already planned a budget on Google Ads. Let me tell you, It’s perhaps the biggest mistake you do in stepping into Online World.
There are plenty of SEO tricks that are very simple to implement.
“Yes,” – you may say, – “I don’t have enough funds to hire SEO-specialists or pay for rank SEO, and I don’t have time to learn it myself. Besides, how long before website shows on google?!”
There are two arguments against your conviction:
1) First of all, Google Ads will eat up your budget so quickly that you won’t even notice. Yes, you will have clicks, visits, and some interactions with visitors, but such Price Per Click won’t hold them coming for too long, because you’re gonna be way above your Advertising planned totals.
2) Second, you don’t even need to dive deeply into SEO to find a better way to web.
In this blog post, I’ll briefly explain the SEO tricks you need to know and do to start your website way better than your competitors and save money later on SEO specialists.
Need To Know:
- What is SEO? It’s Search Engine Optimization. Voila! Easy. In other words, it’s how high your website will appear in Google Search without spending a penny on Ads (Organic Search).
- Google crawls your pages, checking your website code and content based on what it ranks your site.
- Your Website Ranking in Google Search or any other searches crucially depends on the following SEO-To-Do List.

Here is the information you need to fill out as soon as possible in order to be ranked higher in Google Search. Keep in mind that it’s gonna take a while (1-6 weeks) for Google Crawler to get to your website to check it and take you higher in the Search results.
Website’s Titles play 2 roles:
a) It appears in the Browser’s tab

b) It appears as the main title in Google Search

Title Rules for Good SEO:
- Every page has to have its own unique Title (No Duplicates)
- It has to be more than 30 characters and less than 65 characters
- Title must be related to the page content.
You’ve heard this word before and you’ve definitely seen h1,h2,h3 tags, while creating your website. I hope there is no need to explain what it is, so let’s not waste your time reading definitions from Google and just dive into it.

1.H1 – 1
The h1 tag is the title of the text (it performs the same function as the name of the book or the title of a newspaper article). Each page of the site should contain only one single h1 tag. It’s very important for SEO.

H1 Rules for Good SEO:
- It has to be less than 70 characters
- Every page has to have its own unique H1 (No Duplicates)
- H1 must be related to the page content.
2.H1 – 2
Second H1 header on the page. It’s recommended not to have a couple of them on the page, but if you have to (for example you’re having several blog articles or several sections on the page with H1 headers) you should follow the same rules as with H1-1 header.
3.H2 – 1
H2 header is a supporting header for H1. It gives more explanations for the H1.
H2 Rules for good SEO:
- It has to be less than 70 characters.
- If you don’t have – that’s ok
- H2 must be related to the page content.
- Every page has to have its own unique H2 (No Multiples)

4.H2 – 2
H2 Rules for good SEO:
- It has to be less than 70 characters.
- If you don’t have – that’s ok
- H2 must be related to the page content.
- Every page has to have its own unique H2 (No Multiples)
URL names
URL Name is the web path to the page.
URL Name Rules for good SEO:
- It has to be relevant to the page content
- It has to be unique
- It can have folders(sections) and subfolders(subsections).
Good One:

Bad One:

Why it is important for Google?
Because it appears in Search too:

Meta – Description
It’s a brief page description for a page that will appear in Search.
Meta-Description Rules for Good SEO:
- It has to be more than 70 characters, but less than 155 characters.
- It has to be relevant to the page content
- It has to be unique for every page.

Meta – Keywords
Meta keywords – a list of keywords corresponding to the contents of the page. Search engines can use meta name keywords content keywords when indexing.
1. It has to be relevant to the page content.
2. Different pages can have the same keywords, but do not overstuff it with the same ones a lot.
3. It can’t be repetitive on the same page.
For example:
Do not make keywords like: “how”, “to”, “learn”, “singing”, ”to sing”, “digital”, “marketing”, “digital marketing” “how to learn singing”.
It is better to create just two keywords for the example above: “how to learn singing”, “digital marketing”.
Voice Search Keywords
More and more people start using Siri, Alexa, Cortana, etc.
It means that keywords are now becoming more conversational.

Try to come up with some for the pages of your website: Here is a helper for you.
Website Mobile Friendliness Test
Now, Google concentrates more on Website compatibility with mobile devices, not Desktops. Today, a website mobile optimization strategy is a corner stone of the SEO success.
If your website is not Mobile Friendly – it’s going to ranked lower than the ones which are.
Simply check it here and focus more on Mobile Version of your Website while creating it.

To wrap it up: get page noticed in google search.
In the modern world, SEO and how to get to the top of Google search results should be your #1 priority when you’re starting anything. And while you can’t expect fast SEO results, making first steps by yourself not only can bring you huge savings on your ad budget but also there is no need to spend a penny on hiring SEO-specialist to start with – you can do it yourself and it’s not that hard as you may think it is. Just follow 10-points check-list I’ve provided above and you’re all good. Also, make sure to subscribe to our Rgray Blog Updates. My next SEO article will have more info about Search Engine Optimization which you’ll be able to implement rapidly to your business’s online presence as well. We’re not your boring SEO agency, we actually do stuff that works :).
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“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
© Arthur Ashe